Saturday, December 31, 2011

First Picture from the Snakes Classroom

After the New Year, Elle is moving up from Ms. Megan's Frogs class to Ms. Laura's Snakes class. Big girl!! In order to make the transition easier they school has been having Elle spend some time with the Snakes. Yesterday was her last day as a Frog, but when we picked her up she was with the Snakes and had just finished this picture.

More Christmas 2012

They must have been displaying these at school because they just now came home. Except the wreath...she did bring that home before Christmas and instructed me to hang it on the door. How cute is the Rudolph?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Cleaning off the Refrigerator

Time to make some room for more...

2011 Preschool Christmas Program

Cutest Christmas Pic Ever

This year Elle is IN LOVE with Santa. She told me, "Mom, I waited a long, long time to see Santa and he is real, real, real pretty." However, she told Daddy that she wasn't too fond of Santa's "fur" when she sat on his lap.

Christmas Art

Surprisingly little of this came home from school. This first one is Baby Jesus (I think?) and the second is a wreath we made at the Sunday School Advent Workshop.

Meet Me

So she was tired when she did this? I can't imagine what Ms. Megan thinks about me...

Also...sorry this is sideways. It isn't that way when I attach it. I have done it twice and I am giving up. Please turn your head :)


"The black is dirt, the pink stuff is the road and the blue is the sky."
- Elle

More American Mammals - A Bat

These just keep coming home!